Posted on 8/16/2017

Most people don't give the alignment of their wheels much thought. However, it is a very important part of proper vehicle maintenance. The alignment of your wheels affects the vehicle's overall performance, the life of the tire treads, brakes and suspension, and it can even have an impact on your gas mileage. The better your wheels are aligned, the better off your car will be and it may prevent more costly repairs in the future. Let's take a look at some of the issues concerning wheel alignment. There are some common signs that might tell you when the wheels are misaligned: Pulling Strongly Toward One Side - Obviously, if you are driving and your car is pulling significantly to the left or right when the wheel is neutral, then there's a very good chance your wheels are out of alignment. Steering Wheel Off-Center - If you have your car parked and the wheels facing straightforward, look at the ... read more
Posted on 7/6/2017

It's not something you ever want to see, but your vehicle's "check engine" light is there for a reason. It is there to provide a warning that something is wrong with your car. In some cases, it may even save your life. What Does the Check Engine Light Mean? If your check engine light does come on while you are driving, it can mean any number of different things. It could be a minor problem or even just a glitch in the computer system. Or, it could be a sign of something major. Either way, it is recommended that you get the engine checked out by a professional automotive technician. Fox Run Auto is here to help with all your engine inspection and repair needs. It's important to know that all vehicle makes and models might have different check engine light settings and other warning systems to alert drivers. In most situations, a check engine light that stays illumina ... read more