Posted on 11/25/2020

2020 has been a strange and challenging year, to say the very least. Now, Thanksgiving is upon us and most of us just can't celebrate how we normally would with big family dinners. It's time to get creative once again in order to stay connected with the people you care about most, while enjoying a safe and happy holiday season. It will a different experience for sure. Taking the Time to Be Thankful Even if Thanksgiving will be a little unusual this year, we can still take the time to be thankful for what we do have. This year more than ever, we need to be grateful for our friends, our family and our co-workers. At Fox Run Auto, we have plenty to be thankful for. We were very fortunate to be considered an "essential business" and be allowed to stay open throughout the year. We've had to adapt to new safety and sanitization protocols, and it hasn't always been easy. Yet, we ... read more
Posted on 11/18/2020
Vehicle inspections are very important to what we do at Fox Run Auto. They allow our technicians and diagnosticians to identify potential automotive problems for our customers. They enable us to provide more accurate repair recommendations and price estimates. Above all else, they ensure we are able to get the job done right by eliminating guesswork. Determining the Specific Problem(s) If you call an automotive shop and they give you a quote over the phone, they really are just guessing what work needs to be done based on what you are able to tell them. You think you might have transmission problems, but perhaps it's really an engine issue and the shop won't know that until they actually see the vehicle in person and can determine the specific damage. I ... read more
Posted on 11/11/2020
Josh needed routine maintenance on his diesel pickup truck, so he called ahead to Fox Run Auto to schedule a service appointment. It's a great idea to call ahead these days, so we can minimize your wait time when you are at the shop or arrange contactless drop-off and pick-up if you want to stay extra safe. "Made appointment for an oil change and tire rotation 2 days prior," Josh says in his recent online review. "I showed up on time, and they were done in about 1 hour, 15 minutes. I was pretty happy with the timing." Whether you are visiting Fox Run Auto for standard vehicle maintenance services or you are in need of more significant repairs, we aim to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible fo ... read more
Posted on 11/4/2020

We introduced the RX Sanitize and Protect Treatment earlier this summer in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has been a very popular automotive service at Fox Run Auto. Think of it as an annual flu shot for your car, truck or SUV. It sanitizes and protects common surfaces in the vehicle for up to a full year, which helps keep you, your family and any other passengers from spreading viruses and germs while in the car. What Does the RX Treatment Do? The RX Treatment provides a continuous anti-microbial protection barrier on various surfaces inside your vehicle. This includes the dashboard, consoles, steering wheel, seats, safety belts, glove compartment, trunk and even the air conditioning vents. This non-toxic, hyper-green formula is safe and environmentally friendly. It helps keep any harmful germs and microbes from living on surfaces that are commonly touched.  ... read more