Posted on 7/22/2020

When it comes to noticing something is wrong with your car, sometimes all you need is your 5 senses. Well, make that 4 because your sense of taste probably shouldn't come into play! Otherwise, your other 4 senses can tell you a lot. Basically, any time you hear, see, smell or feel anything unusual while you are driving, then it's worth paying closer attention. If the problem persists or gets worse, you should take your vehicle to a professional mechanic for an inspection and diagnosis. Usually if something seems off, there is at least a minor automotive issue to address. In many cases, your senses can detect problems early on, which allows you to get them fixed before they develop into major repairs. Let's look at a few examples, according to the auto repair specialists at Fox Run Auto: Seeing is Believing We depend on our sense of sight more than any other, and there are some automotive p ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2020

Running an auto repair shop isn't always about performing major automotive repairs. Sometimes, it's just the little things we do to help our customers every day. At Fox Run Auto, we want people to know they can always depend on us for any automotive needs—big or small. As a local shop, we know that our reputation in this community is so important. That's why we work hard to establish a sense of trust and build strong relationships with our loyal customers. Recently, Michael came in for a really simple request. He had just moved to Delaware from New Jersey and he needed to put on his new license plate. Unfortunately, the old screw was rusted on pretty badly and he couldn't get it loose. "When it came time to replace my NJ license plate with my new DE plate, I could not get t ... read more
Posted on 7/8/2020

Can you believe it's already July? This has been one crazy year and it may get even crazier before we're all said and done. For now, people are trying to enjoy this beautiful summer weather while we can. That means road trips and more driving in the summer heat, which will make your vehicle work a little harder (especially for those of us who haven't been driving as much these past few months). This time of year is always a good one to take care of some necessary automotive maintenance procedures. Here are a few we recommend at Fox Run Auto: Oil Change Even if you haven't put as much mileage on your car this year, the oil can still deteriorate when the car sits around. The change of season is always a good reminder to get your oil changed and keep your vehicle running as well as possible when you need to drive it m ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2020
Though the 4th of July won't be quite the same this year because of everything going on, we still want to wish all of you a very happy holiday weekend. The entire team at Fox Run Auto is proud to be a part of this community and we know we will eventually come out of all this even stronger than before. Fighting Toward the Same Cause If you think about what the 4th of July holiday really represents, there are several parallels we can make to our current situation. The only difference is this time it's the entire world battling an invisible foe rather than one country seeking independence from another. The point is we are all ultimately in this together. We may disagree on how to go about certain things and there will be plenty of turbulence along the way. Just don't lose sight of the fact that we are all human beings and ... read more