Posted on 12/22/2021

'Tis the season to be jolly! We love the holidays at Fox Run Auto. It's the time of year to celebrate our loved ones and be grateful for everything we have. These past couple years have been quite unusual. We hope you are able to spend this holiday season with those you love most. Cherish your time together and stay safe. Staying Connected Even if you are not able to get together this year, pick up the phone, hop on a video chat and take advantage of any opportunity to connect with family and friends. Send out festive gift packages. The holiday season is about giving and sharing with one another. Now more than ever, we need to stay connected in whatever ways possible. Happy Holidays from Fox Run Auto! The entire team at Fox Run Auto would like to with you and your family a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year! We a ... read more
Posted on 12/21/2021

With a new year comes an opportunity to not only change how you take care of yourself but how you take care of your car. While you may have other plans to better your lifestyle, make sure you don't forget that your car could use some extra love and care as well. Here are some New Year's resolution ideas for every vehicle owner: Create an emergency fund. Sometimes, cars don't give you a prewarning before they break down (or at least not quick enough). To better financially plan for any unexpected breakdowns, you should put aside a pool of money ($500-1000) over the course of the year to help offset the expense of any unforeseen situations. Wash and clean your car every month. If you feel that hygiene is something you want to improve next year, you may want to incorporate this into your goals list. A fresh and clean car not only protects the value of your vehicle, but it can make your driving experience a lot more pleasant! Get regular fluid changes. Aside from having a su ... read more
Posted on 12/15/2021

Your car's brake system is already one of the vehicle's most sensitive components. Brake pads and rotors wear out with time and use. Mechanical parts can sustain damage or fall out of alignment. Winter Brake Issues The Northern Delaware winter season will put even more stress and strain on your delicate brake system. Wet, icy roads can kick up moisture, dirt, grease and debris that can affect the performance and health of your brakes. You may hear some extra screeching and squealing this time of year, or you may notice the brakes don't seem to stop you quite as fast as they normally would. Pay Attention to Your Vehicle These issues are common in the winter, but generally nothing to be overly concerned about. It is, however, smart to pay attention to how your brakes are perfor ... read more
Posted on 12/8/2021
Joann noticed that one of her tires was losing air pressure. She refilled it every day, but it kept leaking. She knew something was wrong and wasn't comfortable driving around with a tire that couldn't hold air pressure. Joann called Fox Run Auto in Bear, DE for help. "I was losing air in my front driver side tire," Joann says. "I felt insecure driving my car with low pressure light and having to fill it up daily for a few days. I called, explained my problem, and they fit me within an hour!" Once Joann's car was in our shop, our automotive technicians inspected the tire for damage. There was small hole in the tire, which was causing a slow leak. It would hold air for a little while, but obviously Joann kept having to fill it up each day. Even if the tire will hold air for some time, it's not a great idea to drive for long with a ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2021

Many car owners think about their vehicle's cooling system as something that keeps the engine from overheating. This is true, but it also serves the opposite function of keeping your engine from seizing up when it's cold outside. Essentially, the cooling system is there to keep your engine running at optimal temperatures no matter the weather is outside. We can get freezing winter weather here in Northern Delaware, so this is a good time of year to get your cooling system inspected and tuned up heading into the coldest months. Here are some of the cooling system services we provide at Fox Run Auto: Cooling System Inspection We can perform a thorough general inspection of your vehicle's cooling system. We can check fans, belts, seals, hoses and radiator coolant (which is also known as "ant ... read more