Posted on 4/28/2021

Alisha recently brought her car into Fox Run Auto for a brake service. She had never been to our shop before and was naturally hesitant to try out a new auto repair facility. In the end, Alisha was very pleased with her experience. "This was the first time I've used them to service my vehicle and they were professional and friendly," Alisha says. "I did not have anyone to drop me off, so they provided me with a loaner car, free of charge, which was great. The loaner wasn't the flashiest, but did its job of getting me back home so I didn't have to miss any work." Customer service is always our number one priority at Fox Run Auto. We understand people live busy lives and dealing with automotive maintenance and repairs is often a bit of an inconvenience to their daily routines. If you need help g ... read more
Posted on 4/22/2021
Cars are pretty noisy machines. Noises like vroom vroom and beep beep are among the ones you hear from cars all the time. Some noises, however, you should never hear come out of your car because they mean there's something wrong that needs to be fixed right away. 1. Rumbling If your car is making a rumbling sound, a hole in your muffler might be the culprit but if your car is also shaking, it might a problem with your spark plugs causing the cylinder to misfire. Either way, it needs to be looked at by a mechanic as soon as you can get there. 2. Grinding Grinding is not something you want to hear when you're behind the wheel and it could mean that there's an issue with your motor. Don't worry though, it might just need an adjustment. Take it to the shop to find out for sure. 3. Popping If you're driving and you suddenly hear a popping sound, you should take your car to the shop right away. That is not the kind of sound you want to hear from ... read more
Posted on 4/21/2021

Spring is already here and even warmer weather is just around the corner in Northern Delaware. That means you will be depending on your car's air conditioner to keep you cool when it's hot and humid outside. Now is the time to get your vehicle's A/C system inspected and tuned up, so it is working great when you need it most. If you are in the Northern Delaware area, bring your vehicle into Fox Run Auto for a full air conditioning system inspection. We can test the thermostat, air pressure, air quality and refrigerant level. Our knowledgeable automotive technicians can get your A/C tuned up and working its best before the dog days of summer come barking. Here are some of the services we provide: Cabin Air Filter Your cabin air filter helps keep contaminants and dirt out of the vent system. If it is dirty or worn out, it may be time to replace the filter to improve the air quality in your veh ... read more
Posted on 4/14/2021

Hopefully Uncle Sam treated you well with a good tax return this year. Between that and the stimulus payments, you may find yourself with a little extra money. You could spend it on something frivolous, or you could it invest it in your car. You depend on your vehicle(s) every day. And, with the world opening back up for business, you may need to use your car more this year. Kids are back in school, offices are reopening and summer is coming. A fun road trip may be long overdue for your family! Keep Your Car Running Right You need your car to be working well, especially if you are planning to drive it more in the coming months. When is the last time you had your oil changed or tires rotated? Are your brakes due for an inspection or servicing? Are there major repairs you have been putting off because you haven't really been using your vehicle that much in the past year? Vehicle Inspection ... read more
Posted on 4/7/2021

Matthew's wife drives a Buick Encore. Unfortunately, it was experiencing some serious engine issues, so he decided to bring it to Fox Run Auto for a full engine inspection and diagnosis. After our automotive technicians got the vehicle in our shop, we were able to run computer diagnostics to reveal any specific fault codes. Then, we performed a thorough physical inspection of the engine to determine the exact problems at hand. In Matthew's case, the engine had some definite concerns that needed to be addressed as soon as possible. The Fox Run Auto service team walked him through the inspection report and let him know the specific automotive repair services that we recommended. "My wife's Encore required an extensive engine repair," says Matthew. "The good people at Fox Run got t ... read more