Posted on 6/17/2020

Wheel alignment is one of those automotive things we tend not to think about until it starts becoming a major problem. The simple fact is that wheel alignment is very important to the overall handling, safety and performance of of your car, and properly aligned wheels can help prevent other issues that will cost you time and money to repair. Fox Run Auto has identified these 5 key benefits of proper wheel alignment: 1. It Keeps Your Tires Lasting Longer Keeping your wheels in good alignment (along with a regular routine of rotating your tires) will make sure they last as long as possible. If your wheels are out of alignment, the tire treads will wear out unevenly and usually more rapidly. Buying new tires can be a pain, so getting your wheels realigned period ... read more
Posted on 6/10/2020

Now more than ever, we are realizing the importance of keeping things as clean and sanitary as possible wherever we spend time. This is true of our homes, our work spaces and common public surfaces. One thing that people often overlook, however, is their car. Sure, you might wash it and vacuum the inside regularly. You may even get it detailed from time to time, but is it really clean and disinfected inside? RX Sanitize and Protect Treatment It’s time to give your vehicle the annual “flu shot” that it needs with the special RX Sanitize and Protect Treatment at Fox Run Auto. Protect yourself and your passengers from harmful germs, bacteria and viruses—including COVID-19—with this effective once-a-year treatment for your vehic ... read more
Posted on 6/3/2020
Marco needed an oil change on his car. He also had a tail light that was out. He called ahead to Fox Run Auto and spoke with our lead service advisor, Robert Hurt, who helped walk him through everything and arrange for the vehicle to be dropped off and picked up through our touchless dropbox service. "I spoke with Robert briefly," Marco says. "He was very professional and accommodating with excellent service from Fox Run Auto. Even went the extra mile when doing an oil change. They inspected the car and replaced a light that was out." Even when customers bring their vehicles in for something as routine as an oil change, the t ... read more
Posted on 5/27/2020

It's weird not having live sports to watch in May. This is usually such a great time of year for us sports fanatics. We were happy to see NASCAR pick back up and the big charity golf match was fun, but we're looking forward to any Philly basketball, hockey, baseball and football we can get this summer and fall. Working Together The games sure won't be the same without fans, but we all have to make due. It's a stark reminder that we all need to practice good teamwork to get through these uncertain times together. Eventually, this will all be behind us and we can get back to life as normal. Despite any political differences we have, we should all try and remember that we are all on the same team as humans. The Power of Teamwork Teamwork has always been a driving force at Fox Run Auto, and it's helped get us through these tough times when business is a little slow and we have to make ... read more
Posted on 5/20/2020
During normal times, Fox Run Auto is busy trying to help as many customers as we can each and every day. People call ahead to book appointments, they schedule service visits online and many just stop by our shop in Bear to try and squeeze in the same day. We always do everything we can to accommodate everyone and their busy schedules. Keeping People Safe However, things aren't exactly "normal" these days because of COVID-19. Even as the Northern Delaware economy slowly opens back up this summer, but we will still be required to follow social distancing precautions to help protect our customers and our staff. Because of this, we are asking our customers to call ahead if they can. It helps us keep the shop's work flow more organized while taki ... read more