Most vehicles have very complex electrical systems, and the more modern your car, the more complicated the electrical system will be. You have an onboard computer, various sensors and all sorts of wiring. One bad connection or faulty sensor can lead to bigger auto electric problems.
The good news is that most cars these days are pretty good about letting you know when there is an electrical issue. Some electrical malfunctions are easy to diagnose and repair, such as a corroded connection or weak battery. Meanwhile, other repairs can be much more complex. It’s important to let professional automotive technicians handle any sensitive and often dangerous electrical repairs.
How do you know when you have an auto electric problem? Here are five of the most common signs you can look for:
1. Engine Won’t Start
If your car won’t start or it is struggling to fire up, it could be an electrical issue, dying battery or a faulty starter. You’ll want to have it looked at by an auto repair expert to make sure there are no engine problems and to repair any electrical damage there may be.
2. Electrical Malfunctions
If you notice that any electronic components in your vehicle are acting up, it’s worth getting an auto electric inspection. We’re talking about door locks, power windows, entertainment systems, GPS, electric power steering, headlights/tail lights, dashboard lights, etc.
3. Check Engine Light is Flashing
The check engine light is there for a reason. If it is ever flashing, that means there is an urgent problem that you need to deal with immediately. It is best to get off the road as quickly as possible, turn off the vehicle and call for help.
4. Other Dashboard Warning Lights
In addition to the check engine light, your dashboard or computer console will have many other warning lights that can light up if a sensor is tripped. Sometimes it is an electrical error, but all warning lights should be taken seriously with diagnostic testing and vehicle inspection.
5. Smoke or Fire
If you ever see smoke (or even worse, flames) coming from any part of your vehicle, it is obviously a very serious concern to your safety. It can be caused by an electrical short or something else. No matter what, get off the road, get out of the vehicle and call for help immediately!
If you think you might have electrical problems in your vehicle or other concerns that you want to have looked at by auto repair experts, call Fox Run Auto today at (302) 597-9205 or schedule your next service appointment online. We also have emergency roadside assistance and towing services available if you are stranded.